For those of you wanting more, come and see for yourselves (go on, you know you want to). Meanwhile, feast your eyes on MY NEW HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just three days of building and this is what it looks like already. We have another couple of days to go, and then next week begins the roofing, and the following week is dedicated to the plumbing and electrics. Today I walked through the ground level and plotted the light switches and plug points. I looked through the kitchen window on to the deck, through the living room window to gauge the evening light, imagined the flow and the placement of furniture and the parties we are going to be having there.
And for all the excitement over having walls up and a roof skeleton in place, it's the thought of a home filled with my people that is the most thrilling to me. So come. Now, next week, next year even. Just come.
Wow it's looking fantastic. Well done! sx