Sunday, 21 August 2011

Working outdoors

I forgot to mention when I wrote about erecting the fence the other day - how fab is it to work outdoors? Answer: very. Granted, I might not be saying this come December when I'm clearing away broken bricks from the outside of my little house and nailing plasterboard to the inner frame before the heating's been installed. But for someone like me whose idea of a good day includes some kind of cardiovascular exercise, spending two days moving my body and discovering new muscles was a real treat.

In them ol' days, as my nan used to say, people were naturally fit and strong from good, honest physical work - usually housework and laundry for the lasses, leaving the men to tackle the building, gardening and so on. Now, of course, we have an abundance of cash so we can pay other people to do those things AND still afford exorbitant gym memberships in order to keep heart-healthy. Since I'm plumbing every last penny into this new build, perhaps it's a good thing, then, that I enjoy the labour!

Speaking of which - I need to go and finish the job of eradicating the brambles. Taraa!

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